Manicaland Education Facilities are a series of prototype buildings of classrooms, ICT & Lab buildings, Early Childhood Development centers, staff offices, W.C. buildings and staff quarters for seven school campuses in Zimbabwe. The project is part of the Zimbabwe Idai Recovery Project (ZIRP), which was formed by amongst others UNOPS, the World Bank, Unicef and the World Health Organization.
The Kushinga Primary School campus is one of twelve campuses, and has a layout of classroom blocks surrounding a large courtyard with assembly space, with the courtyard being open towards the main road. The central courtyard contains a single administrative block.
Various considerations such as program adjacency, access to the campus, topography, climate, and outdoor and sport requirements lead to a layout that also specifically aims to improve and connect the existing campus infrastructure to the new additions. The new maternity clinics are designed to be cyclone resistant.
An important consideration is the sports area, as the undulating site offers limited location for a full size sports field on level terrain, minimizing need for potential earthworks.